




During a particularly trying time, I was disappointed that a friend had cancelled a lunch with me, and I remember thinking: XXXXXX was not much a friend, what kind of friend cancels..."   

Shortly after this, my morbid sense of humour took over and I was struck with the darkness and the humour of a story which began: 'Yakub was not much a friend, honestly who stands up their friend the day they die.' Naturally this morphed into an edited opening which you can see below.   


Unbeknownst to Khalilia and Omar, on the third anniversary of Khalid's death, someone must have finally convinced a hopeless Mustapha, for he awoke one morning with the sole intention of meeting Yakub, his best friend, for one last glass of cardamon tea, after which he would take his own life.


"And although it was born from flesh and blood, it held nor grace, nor memory, nor desire; it simply sprung forth like a Djinn rising from the flaming depths, flames dripping from the tips of its feathers. The flames engulfed the carts and the shops as if they were kindling, its wings splashing, singeing distant buildings. Its outstretched flaming wings smashed into the ground, sending forth a flood of flames that engulfed the frozen citizens. And with its arms fully extended, it pulled them back in, gathering the charcoaling and sizzling objects back into its chest, blotting its own cradle, swallowing whole that which it begat - its flesh, its memory, its desire - a wave of lava-like flame feasting with its reach, the market and the guard station left eviscerated."


Your Voice
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to me a few weeks ag
Juli from XXCfUunx
to me a few weeks ago when I once again went to Him with the same problem I keep tirnyg to fix, and getting in His way when He has clearly told me to move so that He could do His job. (Funny how we try so hard to help' God only to be the deterrent!). Anyway, He kindly told me, about that problem, it is what it is, but I am in control, not you. You didn't do anything to cause this problem, and you can't fix it. So thanks for reminding me. I say that several times a day when I remember. I believe it to be a prayer as much as confessing, I trust You, God as often as I possibly can. I pray as much as I can, I write prayers (today's blog), and I believe in the power of prayer. I have seen miracles. So please continue with such nice words. I am coming back for sure, I am clicking the notification button! Deirdre
Posted at 7:38:am 01/26/14
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Radius was first published by Meat For Tea: The Valley Review, Vol.10, Issue 2, June 2016.

Radius (PDF)